Welcome Vendors! We are so excited that you are interested in taking part in the 2024 Vintage Holiday Sale! We are looking forward to a great event, made possible by you!
Below is some information pertaining to the event, costs, set up and application. Please read through it prior to filling in the application form and should you have any question please feel free to reach out.
This is a mostly indoor/covered event, with the exception of some reduced rate outdoor spaces as noted in the booth options below. Booth spaces are allocated to one vendor per space only.
Vintage Vendors: We are looking for vendors that specialize in vintage, antiques, primitive wares and salvaged items - no new retail items.
Makers: We will have a few spaces designated for farm produced products and makers.
Estate 248 - 3834 248 Street, Langley
October 26, 2024 from 10-3pm
Set up will be at scheduled times on Friday, October 25th. If you are a vintage vendor, you MUST be available to set up on this day. There will be no unloading and setting up the morning of the market for vintage vendors.
10x10' Booth - $240.00
Makers or farm produced goods table space - $65.00
Additional Items (if required):
Tables (8') - $20.00
Chairs - $8.00
While we wish we could accept everyone who applies, due to the historical buildings and their limitations we are not able to accept everyone. Vendor spots will be more limited at this market due to the smaller indoor venue. We always encourage those who are not accepted to apply again next year and to help us to promote the event by attending as shoppers to ensure we have the success to allow us to expand next year!
Does this event sound like a fit for you? If so, please fill out the application below!